Working with Maps

 Maps—What For?

Maps are an integral part of all but very simple modeling projects. Their most obvious role is to provide a basis for convenient orientation in the model area. FEFLOW, however, makes much wider use of maps in the modeling workflow. Map geometries can be used to influence the mesh generation pro­cess, they can serve to geometrically define the target nodes, elements, edges or faces for parameter assignment, and attributed maps can even pro­vide the input data themselves.

Supported File Formats

The Maps panel is used to load and manage raster and vector maps as well as database connections.

Supported vector maps
Name of File Format File Extension
ESRI Shape Files *.shp
ASCII Point Files *.pnt
ASCII Line Files *.lin
ASCII Polygon Files *.ply
FEFLOW Supermeshes *.smh
DBase IV Files *.dbf
ASCII Table Files *.dat
FEFLOW XML Files *.xml
MS Excel 97-2003 Files *.xls
MS Excel Files *.xlsx
DFS Files *.dfs2
AutoCAD Drawing Files *.dwg
AutoCAD Exchange Files *.dxf
Kitware File Formats *.vtu, *.vtp
Kitware File Metadata *.vtu, *.vtp
MIKE 21 Mesh Files *.mesh
TetGen Surface Mesh Files *.smesh
Autodesk 3DS Files *.3ds
Triangle Polygon Files *.poly
Object File Format Mesh Files *.off
Object File Format Mesh Files *.obj
STL Mesh Files *.stl
Supported vector maps - 3D Geological Models
Name of File Format File Extension
Leapfrog Mesh Files *.lfm
GeoModeller 3D Files *.gmod
GOCAD 3D Model Files *.ml
GOCAD Surface Files *.ts
Supported raster maps
Name of File Format File Extension

Windows Bitmap Files

Geo-TIFF Files *.tiff
Geo-JPEG Files *.jpg
Portable Network Graphics Image Files *.png

Raster Maps/Maps Containing Data

We have to distinguish between raster maps and maps which contain data. Data can be provided in the form of tables or as vector maps if they contain geometry information.

Pixel-based raster maps in formats such as *.tiff, *.jpeg, *.png, or *.bmp can only provide visual information. Vector maps contain discrete geometries (points, lines, and polygons). Formats supported by FEFLOW 8.1 include ESRI Shape Files, AutoCAD Exchange Files, DBase Tables, and several ASCII (text) file formats. In addition to geometrical information these file formats also encompass attribute data, i.e., numerical and/or textual information related to certain geometrical features. While some formats like *.shp support an unlimited number of user-defined attributes, others like *.dxf only allow drawing attributes such as color or line style, and very simple formats such as *.trp (ASCII triplet format—XYF) only support one single attribute value.


Besides the possibility to load separate maps of various file formats, FEFLOW 8.1 also provides the option to connect to different types of geographi­cal databases for data import via the Maps panel and export via the Data panel and View Components panel. The following database systems are supported:

  • PostGIS
  •  Oracle
  • ESRI Geodatabase

Further details are presented in section Geodatabases.

Microsoft Excel Worksheets and Access Tables

Tabular data from Microsoft Excel worksheets and Microsoft Access data­bases can be imported into FEFLOW 8.1 as maps. Export of parameter values and chart data into Excel and Access is supported as well. Supported import and export formats include *.xls, *.xlsx, *.mdb and *.accdb.

Each Excel worksheet needs to be imported as a separate map. For work­books containing multiple worksheets, the worksheet to be imported is selected via an import dialog.

The import of tables from Microsoft Access databases works similarly. After select­ing a database, each table needs to be imported as a separate map via a selection dialog.


Selecting worksheets for import from a MS Excel workbook.

Exported data can either be added as new worksheets or tables to an existing Excel workbook or Access database or they can replace an existing work­sheet or table.


Table of Contents



